Blog Archives
10 Frugal Habits to Lower Your Household Budget
If you’re discouraged by your finances, I would encourage you to set a new frugal…
10 Pieces of Advice to Set Your Kids Up for a Successful Adulthood
I don’t have a particular vision for my children’s lives. Success can come in so…
9 Ways Minimalism Supports a Frugal Lifestyle
In our family’s experience, the practice of minimalism and the philosophy of living frugally are…
10 Two-Minute Habits to Strengthen Your Relationships
A lot of times I get busy and put off important things until I feel…
9 Ways to Cultivate Love Between You and Your Children
As a parent of four young children, I’m constantly looking for ways to connect with…
10 Universal Signs of a Marriage That Is Struggling
Mollie and I have a great marriage, and we’re both optimistic about the future, but…
9 Ways to Make Your Spouse Feel Good About Themselves
I love to make my wife, Mollie, feel good about herself. She’s a great person,…
10 Life Lessons That Every Child Should Learn From Their Parents
I don’t want our kids to leave our home without having passed onto them the…
10 Phrases That Reveal Someone’s True Feelings About You
Words carry immense power, and they can convey subtle messages below the surface. I don’t…
10 Ways Chores Help to Build a Lifetime of Character
One area we’ve prioritized as parents is making sure our kids learn how to contribute…
 9 Investments to Make In Your Friendships to See Them Grow
I knew going into our marriage that it wasn’t going to be magical just because…
10 Memories From Childhood That Shape Us as Adults
As a parent, I take seriously the responsibility I have in raising my kids and…
10 Habits of Healthy Communication in a Marriage
I’ve been blessed with a great wife who is a naturally good communicator, but even…
9 Benefits to Letting Your Children Have a Pet
I grew up with pets but wasn’t always keen on having them in our own…
10 Reasons Why Frugal Living Might Be Good For Your Family
Frugal living has had a very positive impact on our whole family, not just my…
10 Things Every Child Should Hear From Their Parents
I’ve learned being a parent isn’t about being perfect, but about being a loving presence…